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Ventilation and Heating: Simple and Cost-Effective

3con Anlagenbau GmbH in Kufstein, Austria

Ventilation and Heating: Simple and Cost-Effective

3con Anlagenbau GmbH in Kufstein, Austria

How is a car’s interior actually made? How are fabrics cut, components assembled into consoles, and plastic parts laminated? 3con Anlagenbau GmbH in Ebbs near Kufstein in Austria develops and produces machines, tools, and robots for the global market.

  • Production Hall
  • New Building
  • Indoor Climate System
Now, the innovative company has built a new production and storage hall and a new office wing for around 6 million euros. On top of the office building, spanning its entire length of about 20 meters, is the apartment of the operations and production manager. The entire building complex is very well insulated, requiring ventilation in all rooms. 

Covering everything

This is where Hoval comes into the game: “We can cover everything and offer everything from a single source,” says Markus Schütz. He works as a project manager for both heating and air conditioning technology at Hoval Austria’s customer center in Rum. 

Decentralized Climate Solution

A central ventilation system was ruled out from the start: the cranes that will stand and hang in the production hall do not allow for air ducts. Markus Schütz and the executing planner Wolfgang Ferrari from HFP-Ingenieure therefore chose the decentralized solution with roof climate units, which make more sense in terms of energy efficiency anyway: Five Hoval TopVent DHV and one Hoval RoofVent LHW were installed. They recover heat from the room air and are particularly suitable for ventilating assembly areas, as well as for recirculating air heating and cooling of storage and logistics rooms. 

No problem for the Air-Injector, which distributes the air exactly as desired. The individual operating modes of the roof climate units and the setting of the Air-Injector are controlled by the control cabinet, which also comes from Hoval. 

And a gas condensing boiler

The system is completed by a Hoval UltraGas (350) condensing boiler, which modulates as needed and heats the entire building complex. 

Comfort ventilation for the apartment

In the penthouse apartment on the office wing, the Hoval HomeVent comfort FR (500) ventilation unit was installed. With its nominal air volume of up to 500 m³/h, it is just right for large living areas. The comfort ventilation unit not only recovers heat but also moisture. The installation company Klinger installed it as planned in a central position. There, it can deliver high performance with low pressure loss and operate quietly. 

Fresh air without drafts

The air injector in the Hoval TopVent and Hoval RoofVent roof air conditioning units makes them extremely efficient compared to other systems: The two Hoval units achieve the same effect with around 25 to 30% lower air volumes. Even if the operating conditions change: the air injector always distributes the air optimally without causing any drafts. Depending on the temperature difference between supply air and room air as well as the air volume, it automatically adjusts the outlet angle. In addition, less heat is lost: the air injector reduces the temperature stratification to 0.15 Kelvin per meter of hall height.