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The air quality is great!


The air quality is great!


The customer's goal is to optimize energy consumption in the production hall.

  • Production Hall
  • New Building
  • Indoor Climate System

The company Merz from Albstadt-Ebingen is a modern supplier and contract company for mechanical components. Its customers include medium-sized and large industrial companies from the region. The product portfolio ranges from the manufacture of medical instruments to the in-house development of a bone marrow filter. The company has built up another pillar in the field of LED technology. Since the turn of the millennium, the company has also been involved in the development of its own LED street lights. Only state-of-the-art technology is to be used in production operations.

Convenient solution from Hoval: Fresh air supply / heating / cooling

Hoval's concept includes the extraction of the used air from 13 milling and turning machines as well as the conditioning of the hall with fresh air. Another requirement was that this system should also be used to cool the production hall in the summer. The Hoval ProcessVent offers the optimal solution for this. The device works in conjunction with an exhaust air purification system from Keller Lufttechnik as a coordinated unit. The exhaust air from the machine tools is extracted via the exhaust air purification system. After cleaning, this moist warm exhaust air is discharged to the outside as outgoing air via the oil-tight cross-flow plate heat exchanger, the heat energy contained therein is transferred to the supply air. Odours, vapours and particles from the exhaust air thus do not contaminate the supply air.

Employees are more than satisfied

The installation of the new system was easy, reports the owner Andreas Merz:

The location on a stage is optimal, so the space below the technology can be used as a storage area.

Optimal component tuning

The ProcessVent was equipped with heating/cooling coils for reheating or cooling the supply air. The heating and cooling medium is generated centrally by heat pumps and controlled and monitored by modern building management systems. Due to the optimal coordination of the two components (ProcessVent and exhaust air purification), the air balance in the hall is balanced with pleasant conditions in the working area and high energy efficiency. Satisfied employees, cost savings and an active contribution to environmental protection in an overall system.