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Hoval increases investment in heat pump production

Hoval increases investment in heat pump production

Hoval is expanding its production capacity significantly with construction of new heat pump manufacturing facilities at its headquarters in Vaduz and in Istebné (Slovakia). The investment will amount to around EUR 60 million.

Vaduz – Hoval’s products are in high demand, with the corporate group enjoying a particularly strong position on the market for premium heat pumps. As demand for heat pumps has grown exponentially in recent times, Hoval is expanding its capacity and is building new heat pump production facilities at its headquarters in Vaduz and in Istebné. The existing plant at the Istebné site will also be expanded as part of this work.
“With our clear commitment to heat pumps and the resulting expansion of our production facilities in Vaduz and Istebné, we are strengthening our position in the field of renewable energies,” says Fabian Frick, co-CEO of the Hoval Group.

Roadmap for the future

The new heat pump production facility at the Vaduz site began operations in September, and the first heat pumps produced here have already gone into distribution. The second facility at Istebné is set to start work in spring 2023 and a new state-of-the-art plant next to the existing premises, is scheduled to commence operations in early 2024, employing more than 500 people when complete. The total investment will amount to around EUR 60 million.

As part of this expansion project, the corporate group will be making further investments in logistics and increasing staffing levels significantly in the areas of heat pump development and control technology.
At an early stage Hoval recognised that products alone are not enough to meet the needs of the market or to tackle the climate crisis.

Traditional full-service provider

“As a full-service provider, we need to understand our customers and develop intelligent solutions that fulfil their individual needs,” says co-CEO Peter Gerner. “By combining our products, systems and services and increasing the level of Internet of Things integration, the company is fully prepared for the challenges of the future,” he adds.

Hoval has been producing heat pumps for more than 40 years and now offers air/water, brine/water and water/water models under its Belaria, Thermalia and UltraSource brands.

About Hoval

Hoval is one of the leading international companies for heating and indoor climate solutions. Drawing on more than 75 years of experience and benefiting from a close-knit team culture, the Hoval Group delivers exciting solutions and develops technically superior products. This leadership role requires a sense of responsibility for energy and the environment, which is expressed in an intelligent combination of different heating technologies and customised indoor climate solutions.

Hoval also provides personal consultation and comprehensive customer service. With around 2300 employees in 16 companies around the world, Hoval sees itself not as a conglomerate, but as a large family that thinks and acts globally. Hoval heating and indoor climate solutions are currently exported to more than 50 countries.



Rolf Außerer