Hilton hotel Bomonti

Hilton hotel Bomonti
Four Hoval Max-3 Boiler have been installed in the 5* Hilton Bomonti Hotel in Istabul. Many years ago the Hotel has been a brewery of the delicious Bomonti which is still sold in Turkey.
- Hotel
- Renovation
- Gas
The target of the architects from the Hotel Bomonti in Istanbul was to use energy-efficient products. Our partner "Daikin" in Istanbul is one of the climate technology companies with the widest product range. Daikin sells Hoval products in Turkey and also supported the solution for the Hilton Bomonti.
Here are the advantages :
- Power saving and high efficiency
- Low CO2 emissions due to minimal consumption
- Outstanding emissions values due to power adjustment (modulation) of LowNOx burners
- Cost-efficient solution due to low investment costs.

4 Hoval Max-3 boilers are ensuring heating and hot water production.