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Heat pump system heats, cools and ventilates the new PMS production hall


Heat pump system heats, cools and ventilates the new PMS production hall


Industrial specialist PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik, based in Lavanttal in Carinthia, opted for a system solution with a heat pump from Hoval when building the new production hall - this ensures a perfect indoor climate.

  • Production Hall
  • New Building
  • Indoor Climate System
PMS, an expert partner for sophisticated partial and complete solutions in the field of electrical and automation technology, has been serving both national and international customers for around 15 years.
The PMS company has grown massively in recent years. The time has now come to think bigger and build a new building. This investment has paid off.
Alfred Krobath, Managing Director of PMS Elektro- und Automationstechnik.
In the course of building the new production facility, the decision was taken to choose a modular solution from Hoval, which combines all three requirements – heating, cooling and ventilation of the hall – in one system. Since September 2019, two RoofVent and twelve TopVent units, each in combination with a heat pump, have been providing fresh air and comfortable temperatures in the 8,500 m2 hall. 

Excellent working conditions for employees

There are around 120 employees in the new hall during the working day. A pleasant working atmosphere was the top priority for the PMS management: "When companies talk about creating a good workplace atmosphere, many only think of employees in the office. Far too often, those who work in production halls are neglected. It is important to us that the entire workforce feels comfortable and finds ideal room conditions for the respective work." With the Hoval indoor climate system, the temperatures in the hall – depending on the zone – can be adjusted easily, individually and quickly. 

Decision for Hoval

Underfloor heating and cooling were originally planned for the new hall. In the course of the project, PMS again intensively examined various indoor climate solutions and finally decided on the decentralised heat pump system from Hoval. Because the planning of the new building was already well advanced, Hoval had to act quickly:
The time span for the entire project planning was very short – this was of course a challenge in order not to delay the construction.
Thanks to simple planning and short production time of the modular Hoval system, PMS was able to start operations as planned.
Christoph Steinhäusler, Head of Product Management for Air Conditioning Technology at Hoval.

Sustainable operation with smart heat pumps

All installed RoofVent and TopVent units are combined with 30 kW heat pumps. The air-source heat pumps automatically adjust their output to the heating or cooling requirements of the building at any given time. "The decisive reason for choosing Hoval as a partner was the possibility of combining with a photovoltaic system, which we will soon integrate on the roof. We then use all of the generated electricity to operate the hall's air conditioning system. Another factor was the flexible and simple modular system of the solution, which combines all our requirements," says Krobath, pleased with the sustainable indoor climate solution.